John Hudak

mb2-1 Hudak 01 Art

mb1-3 Hudak 02 Art

Kill Art

you make me hurt you jerk you fool
you egomaniac you why do you do it
what kind of release is this that
you build yourself to try to gain
a reputation you could sell your
body on weekends for money and
then to use yourself why don’t you
kill yourself as your piece and
be tickled with the result i will
do that eventually and of course
i am not an artist and of course
i don’t care how my mind turns out
just that it turns out that it says
something but everybody says something
that is why you are tickled and why
i dreamt i was gliding over the ground
in a dream because i was no longer
here i say kill art or kill yourself

mb1-3 Hudak 03 Art