A brief dialogue for students of the Fall
Adam & the Ancient Mariner are standing in Adam’s garden, the Mariner having just told his tale.
But what I don’t understand is, what brought you to kill the bird in the first place? I mean, what outside force was involved? I just can’t imagine anyone falling from grace on his own initiative.
Oh, Adam, will you think a bit before a point you make. Yours was the fall of every man as brought bought by the snake.
So when the idea came to me, the albatross to shoot, ’twas the evil of your own fall that in me had taken root.
So it’s me, is it, that you’re trying to blame for all man’s miseries. I could stand here and take this, but I’ve got to get back to my hoeing.
Your fall from grace has made you bitter and just and rightly so. But sit awhile and hear me out before you start to hoe.
So, when you fell from Eden’s grace, man’s hopes you did not kill. These miseries are but side effects that come with knowledge and skill.
Right, I see your point; that I’m a symbol for all mankind. I’ve known that all along, but considered myself mostly at the lower end of the scale. I felt so stupid and embarrassed when I ate that apple, and then to be kicked out of paradise; that was downright degrading.
But, Adam, you’re looking at your fall as if you were just one man. You’re just a victim of circumstance, first step in God’s master plan.
Don’t be sad, just think if you hadn’t eaten the apple, Mankind would now be cooked like a lowly piece of scrapple.
We’d be forced to spend eternity in a dull and dreadful life without Knowledge, Skill or Afterthought in the name of Paradise.
So! I’m not to blame after all. Mankind should actually thank me. Gee Whiz, all this time, I’ve considered myself like dirt, while I should have been up there on a pedestal like Christ, St. Augustine, or Martin Luther.
I’m glad you’re now enlightened, but let’s not go too far. I’m afraid you’ll get too self-righteous, acting the way you are.
Right, right. But I’ve got to tell Eve. (looks off left) Whoa! Here she comes now. I’m in big trouble for not finishing the garden (jumps behind a rock)
(entering) Hello?
(pointing to the roock and sighing)
Madam, here’s Adam.