A Spoor is Cloned

Hocus, pocus, mucous membrane How could anyone complain That when you drip from yonder brain, You tend to leave a mottled stain On pillowcases, floral-printed Brylcreem-soiled, and lemon-scented Although you leak, you cause no pain For this, a modest price we pay.

Definitely Twelve Relievers

Bob Dylan wrote this but I know he was wrong It doesn’t take a genius to relinquish one’s baboon When he’s been outside wreaking havoc ‘neath the unobstructed moon Where’s that innocent bystander when you need him much too soon? Oh, mama, can this really be the end? To be struck upside the head?  

Geeks Also

Ma what happened to my neo-synephrine I was using to upholster My sinuses and synapses? A biscuit wearing baseball shoes replied, “mene, mene, tekel upharsim” As it slowly slathered guacamole sauce upon its Tilted brain.