Tiger’s Eyes

Staring out at me from the darkness are tiger’s eyes
Camouflaged from life’s realities and pains.
He searches for me when the sun sets
and we bathe in the Crystalline moonlight of another world.
We breathe the air of the wild and the unknown.
We stalk through the forest together as one.

One blurred vision
One blurred dream
One blurred love

The grey mane of morning dims our world of fantasy.
Before it fades the Tiger’s eyes ask a question.
Whispering in the wind, I hear;


I look to the morning sky, then to him.
There is no answer—just silence.
The silence engulfed our persons until we are but a shadow of a dream
on the night of the silver moon.
Across the waking world a Tiger’s roar is heard,
and another page is torn from the book of reality.

The Pixies

(a breakfast story)

Several years ago I woke up, put some bread in the toaster and began reading the morning paper. I read about bombs in Afghanistan, El Salvador, Beirut and my home town of Los Angeles. I read about poisons in the water, in the air and in our bodies and I read about some guy who’d hung himself inside of his closet because he couldn’t find a job…

My vision to the paper became fogged by smoke. I turned my head and saw that the toast was on fire. I didn’t jump immediately to put it out because the gray clouds billowing silently, twirly and thick from the rectangular toast hole was indeed a beautiful sight.

Fluttering about in the smoke like sperm in semen were two-inch dragonfly people. They had tiny human faces, thin, green caterpillar bodies and buzzing golden wings with blood red spots and silver fringes around the edges. They smiled and hummed Beethoven’s Fifth, which vibrated warm, perfumed wine-massage-vapors through my bones. I eased back into my chair, took a long, easy sip of coffee and watched the thousand pixies orgy around the lightbulb. I smiled.

Those buggies couldn’t stay friendly and sexy, though. They began to dive-bomb at me from the ceiling and to scream,” SILLY WILLY NILLY, CRAZY DAISY BOY, YOU’RE GONNA LOSE YOUR JOB!!!” I felt the pins dig in as they lashed at my bare neck, hands and feet  with their fangs and stingers. I sprang up and got the broom.

I pelted them pests to the floor in waves, but they were honest soldiers. They bounced off the floor and came back for more. Realizing that the broom wasn’t going to do the trick, I ran and grabbed a can of Raid bug spray. I dodged the demons emitting clouds of chemical death spray from my fingertip.

The buggies took in the gas and dropped vanishing in a thousand mini-geysers of smoke across the floor. The storm-invasion was finally over. The toaster had filled the kitchen up with so much smoke that I couldn’t see from one side of the room to the other.

My lungs ached and my eyes stung. My nose could hardly tolerate the smell of the chemicals anymore. I, however, was too exhausted to go outside. I sat on the floor gasping with my back slumped against the wall.

One dragonfly remained and it resumed humming the symphony while hovering above the toaster from which licked and flashed several orange tongues of flame. I chuckled to myself, “Heh, heh, heh. To think them psychologists wanted to pump me full of lithium when all I needed was a can of Raid to exterminate my psychosis!”

My laughter turned to howls and tears came to my eyes when the ambulances and fire trucks pulled into the driveway and I guess that explains the white robe that I have on at this very moment, too.

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No Mere Random Images

mb2-6 Magic Wand accentJust when you were finding out the chord changes to “Birdland.” Just when the orange meridian split the sky open like some great beetle spreading her wings to fly. You turn opalescent eyes up onto her glittering underplates and see there a crimson hourglass. Your life and others tumbles out of control in a formless void.

The only thing now connecting me in my solitude and you there in yours is a filamentous whisper of a thought like love. A blue-toned guitar note stretching oaken timbers til they burst into splinters. Metal disks beneath the skin, radiating. Open your eyes, dammit! These are no mere random images!

mb2-6 Radio Schematic accent

A Spoor is Born

A light on yonder window breaks!
What far-begotten tastycakes
Have loomed within the minds of men
To poison dreams with images
Clucked up like rocks from gizzards red
To stay the rest of sleepy heads
Pureéd with dust of dying fish
That from this harrier’s net did slip

So life is worn like tattered socks
Held up by garters, leaving bare
The unpruned toenail, bulbous heel
And bunions Dr. Scholl won’t dare
To shave with savage emery boards
As though defeat to muddle toward

When from this sleep the deacon steps
No trace remains of the world he left
No campus radio, t-shirt transfers,
Cornflake drones, or body snatchers
When from sleep this geek arises
All he’ll see are booby prizes
Won by feet through yards of gauze
Adhesive-taped to athlete’s claws
The game is over, it’s a draw.

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A Spoor is Cloned

Hocus, pocus, mucous membrane
How could anyone complain
That when you drip from yonder brain,
You tend to leave a mottled stain
On pillowcases, floral-printed
Brylcreem-soiled, and lemon-scented
Although you leak, you cause no pain
For this, a modest price we pay.

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Ecce Homo

I am man, I clean the bathroom of god
I bathe in surly wonderlust
In hallowed dungeons, swept by gnomelike underlings

I am man, I leave the driving to Us.
Through piquant groves of olive trees
I traipse and mince like anchovies
Upon the vernal equinox of frozen pizza labyrinths

I am man, I listen to E.F. Hutton
He brings me tea, and mulberry muffins
In valley deep or mountain high
I scrawl my name on the dingy rusted subway car
of eternity.
Does this train stop at Times Square?

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The Bitch Trip

Two smoke bombs, synchronized with his feat, explode to either side, belching pillars of thick mushroom smoke.

mb2-6 The Bitch Trip accent #2Ric: The bag you’re in,
the fear you fear.
You’re a superhuman, subhuman
freebase queer.

Have a look into the morror,
see the faces in your face.
You’re a subdeb hero.
You’re a see-through zero.
You’re an ax-whacking,
mongoloid in space.

mb2-6 The Bitch Trip accent #1You’re quadriplegic, baby.
You’ve got no right to exist.
Why don’t you pop your head into the oven?
Why don’t you go jump off a roof?

You light the fuse, and buckle your shoes,
and pretty soon you’re dusted and comatose.
Three months later, you ain’t come down.
You up for life, stop fucking around.

Ric treats the audience to a twenty second frontal lobotomy replete with excruciating Velvet Underground-decible feedback.

Ric: The tongues I’ve tied.

Peter & Vi O’Lens: Tied!

Ric: The lots I’ve cried.

Peter & Vi O’Lens: Eyed!

Ric: The rivers I’ve frozen.

Peter & Vi O’Lens: Internal combustion engine!

Music Sputters.

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