We Are Delicious

mb2-1 We Are Delicious Accent Art

Today, brothers and sisters, I want to talk to you about your future. “Happiness is intestinal,” sayeth the Lord. Follow along with me, please, as I read from the Book of George, Chapter 12, Verse 13:

“And lo, the day shall come when the Lords
of the Universe shall gather to feast upon mankind.
And there shall be great celebration. They shall
eat us and we shall make them strong.”

Brothers and sisters, let me repeat that, please.

“They shall eat us and we shall make them
strong. They shall come in the night and the
feast shall begin.”

Brothers and sisters we are the fruits and vegetables of a more advanced culture. God will be their host! You will pray. And God will pass the salt! Brothers and sisters, we are delicious.

I would like to talk to you tonight about your future, but first, will everyone please rise—everyone please rise—and sing with the choir, please.

Jesus loves me, I knew he would
For the Bible says we should
Appetizer or entree
We’re all fast food come Judgement Day
Yes, Jesus loves me
Oh, how he loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
I’m finger-lickin’ good.


John Hudak

mb2-1 Hudak 01 Art

mb1-3 Hudak 02 Art

Kill Art

you make me hurt you jerk you fool
you egomaniac you why do you do it
what kind of release is this that
you build yourself to try to gain
a reputation you could sell your
body on weekends for money and
then to use yourself why don’t you
kill yourself as your piece and
be tickled with the result i will
do that eventually and of course
i am not an artist and of course
i don’t care how my mind turns out
just that it turns out that it says
something but everybody says something
that is why you are tickled and why
i dreamt i was gliding over the ground
in a dream because i was no longer
here i say kill art or kill yourself

mb1-3 Hudak 03 Art

Clover Day

mb1-3 Clover Day Accent

Margins of breathless senators wrinkled upwards cross the brow
Poised lightly nonethe less
Gift experiences.
A weasel farts.

I splay my feet on concrete
Warriors appear and brandish ripe olives
Codes are vivid, scrambled, stung in paper
Lacelike fungus spreads defiant on the visage of the immigrant
Wilted begonias encircle the junta in leering parody of correspondence

Eagerness, illusion, a double bed with thorns
Posture, plebians, crowbar justice,
Dollar in time saves Citibank
Please put back the Oreos.

We Dive to Locate Querulous Atoms

mb1-3 We Dive AccentWe dive to locate querulous atoms
We strive to placate virulent coatimundis
We drive to octagons
Pepto-bismol written on
Gratuitous bombastic knees
of fallen idols
We liken them to pampered beetles
We dampen them to prevent noisome gastric juices from splashing
We needle nerds
Emboldened, turn
To embryonic turds
We dive to locate querulous atoms.

Jean Paul Sartre for Dodge Dartre

mb1-3 Dartre Accent“In my journey to the end of night, I must rely not only on dialectical paths of reason. I must have a good solid automobile, one that eschews the futile trappings of worldly ennui and asks only for basic maintenance. My Dodge Dartre offers me this elemental solace, and as interior parts fall off I am struck by the realization of their pointlessness. I may not know if the window is up or down. It is of no consequence.” mb1-3 Dartre star


[original samizdat]

mb1-3 Jean Paul Sartre for Dodge Dartre